Rules & Regulations
Entries must be in by the specified closing date – late entries will only be accepted for horses already entered in the show. Late entries must be advised to secretary by 4pm the day prior to the class.
All riders and owners who show in NRHA-sanctioned classes must be current financial members of NRHA.
A Rider is responsible for their own eligibility levels.
NRHA Prize money applies to all NRHA sanctioned classes except youth. Sanctioned classes are for NRHA members only.
Only one Judges Fee applies for concurrent classes. Horses entered in both events will have one run and the score will count for all concurrent classes.
Non ORHA Members must complete a membership form and pay an annual or event membership. A waiver must be signed before competing.
All shows are run under NRHA / ORHA rules.
Cancellation Policy Full refund when a vet certificate is supplied prior to classes being drawn. If the event is cancelled a full refund will be applied.
Each rider agrees to allow themselves to be photographed or videoed and photos may be used on social media.
Show Management reserves the right to modify the schedule or program at any time.
All riders must abide by Open pen rules. Right circles at the top of the pen, left circles at the bottom
Horses are not to be ridden bareback on the grounds or in the arena
Slower moving riders move to the inside of the circle to allow riders to lope fast circles on the outside of the circle.
● No stopping or standing in the centre.
● Open pens may be limited to 12 of horses at any one time.
● Run downs are to run straight down the pen, not on the diagonal.
Youth 13 & Under must wear a helmet. (Sanctioned)
Ladies class may be ridden in a snaffle bit/hackamore or bridle with one or two hands, but must not change hands after the start of the pattern. (Non Sanctioned)
NRHA Classic Equine Green Reiner Level 1 up to 200 points, Level 2 up to 350 points. NRHA Associate Membership is required. Simple lead changes are permitted regardless of pattern with no penalty. Green Reiners do not need to own the horse they are riding. (Sanctioned) Can be ridden one or two handed and can change during the class. There is no restriction of ownership and the horse does not require an NRHA license.
Any Handed Class - Can be ridden in a snaffle bit/hackamore or bridle, one or two hands. Rider may swap hands any time during the class without incurring a penalty or zero score. (Non Sanctioned)
Two Handed Rookie Class - To be eligible a rider must not have won more than $200 in lifetime earnings. Horse does not need to hold an NRHA license. (Non Sanctioned)
Beginner Riders are ineligible to compete if they win 3 ORHA Beginner classes or enter an NRHA sanctioned class (Green Reiner and Youth Classes exempt) A beginner does not need to own the horse they are riding. Beginners can ride one or two hands but must not change hands once they enter the pen. A beginner does not need to wear western attire but must wear a long sleeved shirt and helmet or western hat. (Non Sanctioned)
Beginner Horse – Is a horse that has not won 3 ORHA Beginner Horse classes or has not entered an NRHA sanctioned class. (Green Reiner Excluded) Can be ridden one or two handed but must not change hands once they enter the pen.
Prime Time Non-Pro is for competitors 50 years and over and holds a non pro card (Sanctioned)
Prime Time Professional is for Professional competitors 50 years and over and holds a professional card. (Sanctioned)
Prime Time Rookie is for a Rookie 50 years and over and hold a non pro card. (Sanctioned
Rookies may ride without the rule of ownership of the horse. The horse must hold an NRHA license.
Para Reining (Non-Sanctioned/Sanctioned) Open to riders with physical or mental disabilities. Horses do not require a NRHA competition license. Competitors must wear a helmet. Must submit an NRHA Para Reining Physician Statement to the Show Secretary with entry. Riders may use any aids and have trainers present in the arena. Riders do not need to own the horse. To be ridden any handed or change hands at any time Pattern A will be used.
Short Stirrup 10yrs & under - A short stirrup competitor may ride in any type of saddle and there will be no penalty for holding the saddle with either hand. A short stirrup rider does not need to own the horse. Short stirrup riders may ride with one or two hands and may change hands throughout the class.
Riders do not have to wear western attire, but they must wear a long sleeve shirt and helmet.
Junior Horse for horses 3yrs to 5yrs.May be ridden two handed in a snaffle bit or one handed in a bridle
Senior Horse for horse 6yrs and over. Must be ridden one handed in a bridle.
General Rules
Orana Reining Horse Association is affiliated with NRHA and all rules in the Rulebook must be adhered to. The rule book is available for download at nrha.com under the “Resources” tab.
Orana Reining Horse Association has adopted the Model Constitution which is available for download at www.fair trading.nsw.gov.au
NRHA Oceania Region 2024 eligibilities apply. You can check with Reiner Suite for your earnings. It is up to the competitor to be aware of their eligibility
No one is permitted to ride astride a horse at any ORHA event without being an ORHA member. Day membership is available and may be submitted with entries and signed waiver. All members must have a waiver signed with their membership application.
Unsportsmanlike behaviour will not be tolerated and will be dealt with as per NRHA rules. Refrain from any behaviour that may bring Orana or the sport of reining into disrepute. All competitors and spectators must conduct themselves in a sportsman like manner as per the NRHA rule book.
Gate rules. Please keep the gate clear for bit checks and the next horse entering the pen.
Presentations - Be astride your saddled horse and wear a western hat / helmet and long sleeve shirt.
Animal Welfare - We remind all competitors to be very mindful of your behaviour with your horse. No mistreatment or abuse of the horse will be tolerated. No over schooling of the horse will be tolerated
At any ORHA event you may be photographed or videoed and you may be recorded without your knowledge
NRHA and Orana maintain a drug free policy
All horses are always to be ridden, saddled and bridled during an ORHA event including outside warm up areas and carparks (excluding freestyle classes).
No dogs are permitted in the warm- up area. All dogs must be on a leash.
No youth are permitted to ride or handle a stallion. All stallions must be stabled whilst not being ridden.
A person’s age is as per 1st of January of the current show year.
Show managements decisions will be final and binding.
We welcome children at our shows. Please make sure they are attended by an adult when in the warm up pen.
No dogs are allowed in the warm up pen. Dogs must be on a leash at all times.
No youth are allowed to ride or handle a stallion. All stallions must be stabled whilst not being ridden.